
Grab a Snack...

I visited a Sprouts Farmers Market at my moms...Picked up a few things that caught my eye and that weren't in need of refigeration so I could lug them home. I wish I could live next door to one of these stores, seriously.

A few things in my basket: spinach pasta, Almond breeze milk/ chocolate/vanilla and regular, larabars, whole wheat tortilla, cranberries, raw sunflower seds, dried apples and almond butter....

Today during my lunch of previously mentioned "crackwrap" I felt a tad bit hungrier for something else. So I went rifling through my goodies and thought, mmmm I wonder how dried apples and almond butter will taste..??? Could be so right but also so very wrong...

Turns out they were Oh so right!!! No joke. It's a super good twist on and old fave. You gotta try it out...

BTW I am recommending the unprocessed suff here can't vouch for the other :P

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