
Don't mess with a girl

And her TV controls.......

My sweet precious little girl has thrown her first tantrum ever. And in a fit sure to make her father proud, it was over a TV remote control. See big brother (Shay) was kind enough to lend them to her while he watched his show. And man was she in heaven, quiet and focused on that thing like no one's business... Until mommy decided to take it away, how dare I....

So yes I relented and passed the prized possession back to her. She cradled it and  spoke sweet baby whispers that it was all gonna be ok, to her new found friend.

And all was right with the world...

She fell asleep holding said remote and I softly took it away. I can not let her get even a glimpse of the thing without squeals of joy thinking it will be hers again.Why oh why do they love the dirtiest things in the house.

1 comment:

dillpickle said...

And then she'll learn how to use it...way sooner than you think, if my daughter's anything to go by, who can already turn on the TV and change channel without any help. Arrrgghhhh!!!