
You know that little voice?

Yeah, that one in the back of your head that warns you about things before they happen. I tend to halfway ignore mine. Which usually leads to "might as well have not listened" and usually turns into. I should have listened or I knew that was gonna happen.

Why do I bring this up....Well of course I had one of those moments yesterday, and it was NOT fun....

I had quite the panic attack/freak out/ crazy screaming lady moment, not proud of myself but it happens. Right? feel free to indulge me haha...

So anywho what happened?  Well little miss Sophie got locked in the car!!!!! What???? Yep no joke...On fridays we have been making the trip down the hill to my sister's to get away from the hotel for a few days. So normally I meet up with Scott on post we get the kids and then head back to the hotel to drop the car off and hop in the van.

Except yesterday Scott got off a little early and headed to the hotel as I was going to get the kids...(yes he should just pick them up but the little car is super packed with all his gear and such so he can't fit them in) Anywho I was certain I saw him driving by soon after I left and was a little upset that he didn't call me..(haha did I say a little) Which meant I could have left earlier and we could have headed out earlier. So I continued to fume and when I got to the hotel I got out of the van to go let him know we were there and let's go. And so I left my perfectly capable 13yr old in charge of  STAYING in the car with  Shay and the baby. I repeated the command a few times all the while hearing that nagging voice "don't do it" in the back of my head. I did leave the car on with the AC running thank goodness.

So I get inside, and of course since the kids were out of earshot, had to have a tiny arguement with Hubby on his lack of communication. And a few minutes later Alexis comes in to tell me that Andrew locked the baby in the car...WHAT????? Yep immediate panic mode. Mainly because I was certain he took the keys left them on the seat and closed the door.And I was in panic mode so I didn't bother to look. So I am initially thinking it's warm and my baby who NEVER cries is crying so she will overheat etc.Thank the Lord the van was running still  and Andrew just out of habit locked it I am guessing, as him and the others harrassed and chased eachother around the parking lot.

 So I immediately went wacko yelling at Scott to do something. He was calm the entire time and at that moment I was angry at him for that but I understand now haha...So yes after a plea for help in the hotel lobby a call to 911 a great patient hubby who unwound one of his hangers that he thankfully had and was able to push the unlock button. Some crazy lady rants from me. She was safe in my arms about 15 minutes after the ordeal began. How is that for a roller coaster....I will say if she would have been sleeping I might have not panicked as much but hearing her cry just sent me over the edge....

So let that be a lesson, to me especially. Listen to that little voice, that gut feeling etc.  Now off to make about a dozen copies of that key....And nominate myself for worst mommy award lol....


Luisa said...

you are not a bad mommy, just a human one - your baby crying, and no way of reaching him/her would be enough to send any loving mother into panic mode.
Had a peek at your other blog, lovely work!

mel @ loved handmade said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, that situation would have sent anyone over the edge. You're so right about that little voice, we really must pay attention (I am shocking at listening to it most of the time)thanks for sharing this little 'episode' & I'm so glad all was well in the end...darn husbands & their lack of comunication...even when they mean well!!

Miss Muggins said...

snds like a terrible ordeal. The sooner you can move into your own place the better. You need to remind youreslf that you are a great mummy and have a lot to deal with right now. I think that you are doing a tremendous job xx

Cole said...

ahh what a day! i ignore my little voice all too often, and it is always there! sounds like you and your husband make a great team though :)