
A blustery day!

As I have mentioned before, my sister lives within walking distance of Main st., Huntington Beach.  When we arrived at her house friday night. She had new kites waiting for the kids, and informed us this weekend was the kite festival at the beach. I had never been to one so we decided Saturday would be perfect for a short walk to check it out.

And check it out we did, I never knew kites could be so fun. There were tons of them flying high, one kite or should I say "kites" had a total of 120 connected from top to bottom. Another looked like a scuba diver swimming in the air. There were all sorts of different types but by far my most favorite was the kiters??? who had their kites dancing with music. It was just fun....

Of course we had to take a stroll down the pier and enjoy the wildlife....

At the very end we were greeted by Nigel....My sister has several photos of this guy from her frequent walks down the pier. He loves to pose, and today was no different. As we waited for a table at Ruby's to open "along with several other people" he would move from one location to the other and look at you as if to say hello??? Take my picture already..

Then of course we couldn't leave without a kite run ourselves. The kids had a blast flying them high and at one point an exchange was made between Shay and Alexis in which the kite decided to try and make it's get away. And it was almost successful. Suddenly it took off going farther and farther almost reaching the intersection. It was hilarious to watch but thankfully the kite was recovered in the parking lot, with not a scratch on it. :)

What a great day!!!


Lisa G said...

What fun!! It looks like you had a blast! Happy Sunday :)

mel @ loved handmade said...

So much fun!! Looks like the perfect way to spend a Saturday, gret pictures.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Love the pics. What a fun way to spend a weekend day!

~Kimberly Borgeson~