
The Good Report...

I found this Lovely blog and I love the theme so much I hope to add a little "Good Report" once a week myself. I think it is important in these crazy times to make sure we stop and realize how much goodness there is in our lives...So here is my first round of the report...

1. Ayden is on the B honor roll (he tends to struggle in school)
2. I have gotten 3 of the 4 Halloween costumes ordered for the kids, I got them exactly what they ask for but it's a surprise to them..:)
3. Finally got hubby to pay attention to his errr umm I mean our spending habits...
4. Thinks this baby inside me is psychic because every time I wonder if she is ok she gives me a little kick within the minute of that thought to let me know she is :P
5. So glad the weather is cooling down and enjoying the rainy nights we have been having. The is my favorite time of year.....
6. Lot's of walks and park time for me and Shay in the future oh and of course lots of pictures as a result.
7. So proud of myself that I resisted the craft book that was too much money at the store the other day...stuck with the 3 dollar magazine and am loving it :)
8. Excited to get a box of girly clothes from a friend all my clothes are for boys..When Alexis was a baby I really had no money for cute clothes so not much saved either...
9. Love that Shay slept in with me til 11 today....WHOOHOO...
10. And so so so so excited to be having a baby girl!!!!


Lisa G said...

Nice to see such a positive post. Have a great Sunday :)

Linda said...

I have stopped doing my Thankful Thursdays, haven't planned ahead enough. Thanks for pointing out this blog.

I am trying to visit everyone doing the blogtoberfest don't know where I am up to so have visited you twice lol.