
The reluctant child....

Most days I can get Shay to "ham it up" in front of the camera but some days (especially when I want to show something off) he becomes very stubborn. Almost as if he knows I will eventually give in and bribe him. Which is probably indeed the case but as long as I don't believe that I feel like a better mother haha...

Remember that jacket? It came in the mail yesterday and since I was making a hat to go along with it I waited til this morning to try and get some photo's. Yes he was stubborn and yes I did bribe him, seems he is like his daddy and is a sucker for Reese's peanut butter cups..

Anywho on to the pictures already!!!! And how bout that hat??? 1 day YAY ME!!!!!

Yep a mouth full of chocolate and peanut butter...All is right with the world!!!


Maleny Mumma said...

That is the cutest hat jacket combo ever. Definitely the coolest kid! I love it!!!

dillpickle said...

Fantastic hat! One day, did you say? Wow!