
No sleep for me....

Found this here

Last night was one of those nights..Yep the non sleeping kind!!! So I was up late with an upset stomach "yay me" then when I finally fell asleep..I realized that Lucy our dog was locked outside the room. Which is a good thing because lately I have been woken up several times a night as she slowly pushes me and or Scott off the bed. So Scott locked her out and she wasn't liking it... Barking all night """LOVELY""".... With the A's gone she is lonely and I get that but I just can't deal with her taking up the bad all night..Sorry Lucy...

Oh and is that wasn't enough..DING DONG..this morning my doorbells starts ringing over and over..Seems the yard work guys ran over my outdoor rug in the back with the mower..SOOOO nice of them...

So needless today got off to an Awesome start...And after putting up a few more baby gates and cleaning up several Shay messes I think I might actually get in a little crochet today...Don't hold your breath :P

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