
Letting my guard down

Relaxing, taking a breather, taking a break. Whatever you want to call it when you go from being a single mom of 4 to having 2 parents in the house again. I did it I took that huge sigh of relief let my guard down relaxed etc. And you know what it got me......

SICK!!!!! yep..lovely isn't it...And I have gotten a huge cold sore because of it as well. NICE...I mean it looks like half my face is going for the Angelina Jolie look that's how big and swollen this thing is...And to top it off we had to go to our couples reintrigration class this morning...!!!! YAY ME!!!

The crappy part is this is the first time I have met most of the guys Scott worked with all year since we got here after they were all deployed and I had no chance to meet them prior to the deployment...UGH...I am sure they are thinking what the heck happened to her. She must have pissed Scott off lol...

So yeah sick with a side of cold sore is what I get for letting my guard down..Of course it doesn't stop me from enjoying this time with my family but it sure would be alot better minus these distractions....

I haven't had a cold sore in ummm what atleast 16 or so years...What a great time to get one lol....I am using abreva hopefully that help clears it up faster but til then I guess I will try to hide out in the house as much as possible..haha...

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