
Dr. appointment for Shay

Well about a month or so ago I noticed some swelling in Shay's "boy parts" on one side. It's not something I pay close attention to so I am not sure the exact time it started to occur but that was the first time I noticed it so that's what I am going with.

Anywho, when I first noticed I asked Scott to check it out, he didn't seem alarmed so I didn't worry..Well last night he fell asleep naked on the couch since we are venturing down the potty training path. And the swelling was very noticeable because of the way he was laying...I had Daddy check again and he agreed it was not normal..And mentioned that it might be a hernia....Of course I semi-freaked out cause well that means a dr.'s visit and the dreaded word "surgery"....I went and did some google research..GOTTA LOVE GOOGLE..And I am pretty convinced he is going to need surgery which is freaking me out of course...The good thing is it doesn't seem to bother him too much, he does show signs of sensitivity to the area but it's not discolored or in any recognizable pain. But of course there is still something wrong that will more then likely need medical intervention and I am biting my nails just thinking about it...

I called in to make an appointment today and they got us in today to have it checked out...I am hoping they determine it's not an emergency situation so that we can have it taken care of..."should he need surgery" after Scott gets back home from being in the field for 3 weeks starting this Friday...

Here I was stressing about School starting up dealing with the kids getting into the swing of things again without a hubby around to help keep order and apparently that's just not enough to worry about.

So anywho I will update later once we get back but keep the little guy in your prayers..TIA!!!

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